Most of the people who come to Become Consultant want to find out how to save more money on a limited income. As such, I have decided that instead of having you trawl through the blog to find posts that will help you do that, I should instead compile all of the best tips and put them front and center for you.

So, when it comes to saving money these tips are the cream of the crop.

Automate Your Savings

Putting money aside can be hard, especially when there are so many things you may want to purchase with it. The best way to do it is to automate the process. Arrange for your account to be debited by the amount you want to save every month when you receive your pay. It doesn’t have to be much, just remember that saving a little is better than saving nothing at all.

Use Coupons

Are you aware that many retailers offer online coupons that give you discounts on their products? There are plenty of these sites around, so before making any purchase you should take the time to do a quick search and see if you can find something that will suit your needs. You may be able to get cashback as well when using the coupons you have found. Looking on websites like Price will show you where they can be used and how much money you could be saving.

Choose Your Bank Wisely

Not all banks are created equally, with many adding extra charges to some of their services. Ideally, you should look for one that doesn’t charge ATM fees or one that offers extra interest on your savings. Don’t be afraid to shop around and pay particular attention to smaller banks as they are more willing to go the extra mile to keep customers.

Clear Your Credit Card Debts

Sometimes you have to spend a little money now to save a lot of money later. Credit card debts can really pile up, especially if you pay the minimum amount. You end up wasting so much money on interest that could have been stashed away. If you have these debts, make clearing them a top priority. For an added bonus, you can then start saving the money you used to pay to the credit card companies.

Bring Lunch From Home

So many of us fall into the trap of buying lunch at work. This can end up costing you $100 a more every month, so why not prepare your meals at home instead. Taking the time to prepare your own lunch will save a lot of money, as you avoid all of the mark-ups that are placed on pre-prepared food.

Set Some Goals

If you don’t have defined goals in mind you will struggle to get the motivation to save. Understand what you actually want to achieve with the money you put aside and implement a plan that will help you get there. Many apps are available for this purpose and it’s wise to work in an incentive scheme where you reward yourself for reaching important milestones.

The Commute

Do you drive to work alone every day? If so, that’s costing a lot of money in fuel. You may find that using public transport is cheaper. If your commute is short, consider walking or cycling instead. If you absolutely have to drive, you could set up a carpool where everybody pays into a weekly or monthly fuel budget so the driver doesn’t cover all of the costs.

Shorten The Shower

You don’t have to spend too much time in the shower getting yourself clean. Remember that ever extra minute is a few more pennies on the water bill. Apply this thinking to your other water usage. For example, you can turn off the water when you brush your teeth. Similarly, you can check your faucets for water leaks and get them fixed by professionals from Mac-Vik Plumbing & Heating (check this page for learning more about the areas they serve). Additionally, try washing your clothes on full load. If you still feel like you water bill is more than it should be, you can it analysed by companies like, who can take your water bill and draw up comparisons with other water suppliers, and preferably provide you with a comfortable switch.

Use Shopping Lists

Impulse buys are massive money wasters, so going out with a set list of what you actually need to get is recommended. Only withdraw the amount of money you need for the purchase and try to avoid taking a card with you, as this only increases the temptation.

Cut Out Bad Habits

It’s difficult to do, but giving up on smoking, drinking or any other costly habits you may have can save a lot of money in the long run. Figure out how much you spend each month on your bad habits. Most people find that actual figure is quite shocking, which can be a spur in itself to quit and put that money towards something better.